NHS: Covid, Pay & the Health & Care Bill – Meeting July 27th

Ovid, Pay & The Bill

The three big issues facing NHS workers today:

The impact on Covid on the NHS workforce has already been dramatic. 1500 NHS workers have lost their lives keeping the public safe and while morale is low, do NHS workers feel they’re being properly equipped with the next wave of the pandemic?

The suggested pay offer for workers was 1% was an insult after years of pay freeze and covid sacrifice. We’ll know soon what the Government is really offering? Will they see sense and grant workers pay justice, or will they cause a crisis in the NHS workforce with more insults?

The new Health and Care Bill, which was passed this week, allows for the most far-reaching selling off, partitioning, and restructuring of the NHS we’ve seen, and poses a serious threat to the founding principles of a universal health care service.

Join us to hear from NHS Staff themselves talking about how these huge issues affect them and our NHS workers and the broader social movements can come together to fightback. Organised by Keep Our NHS Public and NHS Staff Voices.


REGISTER HERE NOW: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlc-mhqTkrGtx_qvYbJfO6usAqOugyGIsr

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