Greens called to join TUC Cost of Living demonstration in London

The Green Party Trade Union Group has called on party members and supporters to join the TUC’s march and rally in London on Saturday 18 June, to protest Tory government inaction on the cost-of-living crisis.

TUC member unions will be march from Portland Place to Westminster to demand support for workers across the UK economy in the face of rising living costs. The demands include:

  • A real pay rise for every worker – and a real living wage for all
  • Respect and security for all workers – ban zero hours contracts, ban fire and rehire, decent sick pay now
  • End racism at work
  • Tax energy profits to pay our bills
  • Raise universal credit
  • Boost union bargaining rights now

The Green Party’s response to the cost of living crisis has emphasised the need to reduce bills for working people and tackle the climate emergency, by taxing energy giants’ super-profits and embarking on a mass home insulation programme.

The party’s conference last year adopted a policy to support campaigns by the BFAWU and other trade unions for a £15 minimum wage, making it the only major UK political party to do so.

Amid still-rising inflation driven by supply shocks in the global economy, the trade union movement is demanding real action from the Government that meets the challenges workers face. Reporting by the Food Foundation has revealed that more than 2 million people in the UK have gone whole days in the last month without eating because they are struggling with bills. A further 2 million children are reported to be skipping or reducing meals for lack of money.

Green Party members and supporters can join other Greens at the demonstration in London by signing up here.

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