GPTU meeting with Free Our Unions!

The Green Party Trade Union Group’s next monthly meeting is at 6pm on Friday 20th August 2021, featuring a guest speaker from Free Our Unions – the grassroots campaign against the anti-union laws.

We’re welcoming Daniel Randall, an organiser with the campaign and a rep in the RMT’s Bakerloo Line branch on the London Underground.

Daniel will speak about the importance of empowering rank-and-file trade unionists to take action, both for themselves and in solidarity with international struggles. We’ll hear how direct worker action has pushed for ecological justice in the past, and how it is essential to rescuing our future. We’ll learn how the anti-union laws hold our movement back, and how important it is that we break them down.

All Green Party members can sign up to come along, so don’t miss out – click here to sign up.

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