Dozens of Green candidates take pledge to support workers and unions

Dozens of Green Party candidates have taken the Trade Union Group’s pledge to support trade unions and workers’ rights if elected as local councillors on Thursday 5th May.

The news comes as the workers’ movement globally celebrates International Workers’ Day.

The ten-point pledge includes commitments to work closely with local unions and trades councils, as well as promote voluntary union recognition and fight to reverse outsourcing of council services.

Signers of the pledge include the former Health & Care spokesperson Larry Sanders, as well as sitting councillors in Oxford, Sheffield and London.

Chair of the Trade Union Group, Matthew Hull said:

“These elections could see more Greens elected to local office in England and Wales than ever before. It is heartening to see so many candidates pledge their commitment to the party’s most pro-worker and pro-union policies.

“After over a decade of Tory cuts to local services and ideological privatisation efforts, councils across the country need councillors with the determination to resist. By signing this pledge Green candidates have shown their dedication to amplifying the voices of workers in council services.”

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