Statement: Close Napier Barracks

The Green Party Trade Union Group calls upon the Home Office to close down the Napier Barracks in Folkestone immediately.

Napier barracks is an asylum seeker dispersal unit housing four hundred asylum seeking men. Napier Barracks is not fit for purpose and this is confirmed by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus at the barracks.

These vulnerable people who have fled war and torture must now be moved to safe accommodation where self -isolation and appropriate social distancing is facilitated. They must have access to medical treatment for their mental and physical health. Their asylum claims must be processed within an acceptable time frame and they should have full access to good quality legal advice and representation via legal aid solicitors.

We call on the TUC and its affiliated trade unions to support the campaign to close Napier Barracks and other military sites where asylum seekers are currently accommodated.

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