Trade Union Group calls on Greens to prioritise pro-worker motions at Conference

The Green Party Trade Union Group is calling on all Greens to vote for pro-worker, pro-union motions to be heard at the Green Party’s Autumn Conference in October.

Between Friday 12th August and Friday 26th August, Green Party members will vote in a prioritisation ballot to decide the order in which motions are heard at the Autumn Conference.

The Green Party Trade Union Group is asking Greens to prioritise the following four motions by ranking them highly in the ballot:

  • E01 £15 Minimum Wage
  • E04 Amending Crime and Justice Policies
  • E22 Stating Opposition to Anti-Union and Anti-Strike Laws
  • E23 Supporting Workers Taking Strike Action

In addition, the Group is calling on Greens to de-prioritise the following two motions, by ranking them low in the ballot and by using all ballot preferences:

  • D05 Changes to GPEx
  • D13 Pathfinder

The two motions seek to make changes to the Green Party’s constitution, which would result in the Trade Union Liaison Officer position on the Executive being removed – and replaced with nothing.

The Group has produced a detailed briefing on the motions and our position, which members can read by clicking here.

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