Trade Union Group elects new committee

The Green Party Trade Union Group has today elected a new committee.

The new committee members will serve in post until December 2022:

  • Chair – Matthew Hull
  • Secretary – Chris Jarvis
  • Treasurer – Sue Tibbles
  • Membership Officer – Steve Williams & Peter Murry (jobshare)
  • Beccy Sawbridge – Equalities Officer
  • Rob Magowan – Policy & Education Officer

The full results including a breakdown of voting numbers, can be viewed online here.

In addition, the Group’s Annual General Meeting elected to co-opt Kefentse Dennis, the party’s Trade Union Liaison Officer, to the committee until the next AGM.

The position of Media & Campaigns Officer received no nominations. As a result, the new committee will be co-opting a member to fill this exciting position. If you are interested, please visit this form to apply before 30th January 2022.


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