
Green Party Conference votes to step up engagement with unions

Green Party Spring Conference 2021 today voted in support of a motion to emphasise the importance of working closely with trade unions in order to bring about a worker-led just transition.

The motion, entitled ‘Winning Over Workers is Crucial to Fighting Climate Change’, was supported by the Green Party Trade Union Group. Conference attendees passed the motion with more than 95% of votes in favour.

Chair of the Green Party Trade Union Group, Matthew Hull, said:

“The Green Party has a strong record of standing with trade unions. I am incredibly proud that party members have chosen to redouble their efforts to empower the labour movement in its mission to transform society for people and planet.

“To win a just transition in the face of opposition from the rich and powerful, we need working people to be the most enthusiastic supporters of radical Green politics that would transform their workplaces and communities. Working with their trade unions is essential to making that happen.”

Remarking on the importance of building on the Trade Union Liaison Officer position in any new party structure, Hull said:

“Ahead of proposed changes to the Green Party Constitution in the extraordinary conference in May, party members have rightly chosen to emphasise the importance of building on the existing position of the Trade Union Liaison Officer on the Green Party Executive. This is absolutely necessary to building strong relationships with the labour movement.”

May’s Extraordinary Conference will hear proposals to introduce a new Constitution for the Green Party, subject to a ballot of members. As unamended, the proposed structure would leave the party without a named Trade Union Liaison Officer.

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