Green Party Trade Union Group opposes bid to remove Trade Union Liaison from the Executive

The Green Party Trade Union Group is calling on members to oppose motions to Green Party Autumn Conference 2022 which would remove the position of Trade Union Liaison Officer from the Party’s structures – replacing it with nothing.

The proposed changes envisage trade union liaison work being a ‘collective responsibility’ of the new Executive, to includes seven elected ordinary members.

The Trade Union Group has argued this move is unrealistic, would jeopardise future trade union links and would result in liaison work being neglected at a time when links with the labour movement are increasingly essential to the party’ political voice.

The Group has written a detailed briefing outlining its concerns surrounding motions D05 Changes to GPEx and D13 Pathfinder. Members can view it by clicking here.

The Group is calling on Green Party members to:

  • Rank motions D05 Changes to GPEx and D13 Pathfinder below other motions on the prioritisation ballot
  • Use ALL prioritisation preferences in the prioritisation ballot
  • Oppose D05 Changes to GPEx if heard at Autumn Conference 2022
  • Support GPTU amendments to these motions
  • Support a GPTU late motion to launch a review of the representation of the trade union movement in party structures

The prioritisation ballot for Green Party Autumn Conference 2022 opens on Friday 12th August and closes on Friday 26th August. Voting details will be sent to party members by email.

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