Event: Trade Union Strategies in 2022

Join us at 7pm on Monday 25th July for a panel event and discussion – Trade Union Strategies in 2022! This event is open to all.

The summer of 2022 is shaping up to be a summer of strike action, with dozens of unions in large sectors of the economy already in dispute. Amid strikes on the railways, and with other professions balloting for industrial action, we’re hoping 2022 will be a year of revival for the labour movement.

But what is behind this surge in industrial action and how can trade unionists help turn it into a strike wave? What tactics and strategies are union leaders – from general secretaries to shop-floor reps – using to build their power? What can we learn from all this?

To comment on these questions and lead a wide and varied discussion, we welcome as panellists:

  • Eve Livingston – freelance journalist, writer on industrial relations and author of Make Bosses Pay: Why We Need Unions from Pluto Press
  • Emiliano Mellino – journalist at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, organiser and author of the indispensable The Week in Work e-newsletter
  • Robert Maisey – Policy and Campaigns Support Officer at the TUC, and formerly Policy Officer at the RMT
  • Rhian Keyse – UCU NEC member and Chair of the UCU Anti-casualisation committee

We’ll hear from each speaker before opening up the discussion to questions from the floor.

Register now to attend and take part!

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