Candidates and councillors pledge!

We are calling on all Green Party members, councillors and candidates for election in 2022 to take our pledge to support trade unions and champion workers’ rights!

Complete the form on this page to add your name.

Together, we pledge to:

  1. Work closely with my local trades union council and union branches
  2. Support workplace safety for key workers
  3. Work to end outsourcing and two-tier workforces
  4. Work to end insecure work in our council services
  5. Support voluntary recognition of unions in council services
  6. Implement ethical procurement policies with a preference for union employers
  7. Support renters, renters’ unions, and the expansion of social housing
  8. Support reducing working hours and better work-life balance
  9. Develop a worker-centred vision for a just transition for our area
  10. Support global and international justice in our council work


  • Cllr Alexi Dimond, Sheffield
  • Cllr Martin Phipps, Sheffield
  • Cllr Kai Taylor, Knowsley
  • Cllr Scott Ainslie, Lambeth
  • Cllr Neil Lawrenson, Worcester
  • Cllr Chris Jarvis, Oxford
  • Cllr Michael Smith, Newport
  • Emma Wallace, Harrow
  • Rosie Rawle, Oxford
  • Larry Sanders, former spokesperson on Health & Social Care
  • Jake Welsh, Manchester
  • Alastair Binnie-Lubbock, Hackney
  • Claire Sheppard, Southwark
  • Graham Wroe, Sheffield
  • Peter Whittle, Newham
  • Colin Boyle, Southwark
  • Peter Underwood, Croydon
  • Ria Patel, Croydon
  • Ken Barker, Cardiff

Read more about the pledge points:

Work closely with unions

Work closely with your local trades council and consult with them on key local issues and policy priorities. Get involved with supporting union campaigns and support workers to take action!

Support workplace safety for key workers

Work to ensure workers in your council area are safe at work. Support workers to put their own safety first where bosses will not, and work to ensure key workers get a fair pay rise.

Work to end outsourcing and two-tier workforces

Do everything in your power to end outsourcing of services by your council. Commit to equalising terms, and conditions of all workers in council services, and to move towards a pay ratio of no more than 8:1.

Work to end badly paid and insecure work in our council services

Commit to eliminating insecure work in council services – no zero-hours contracts, guaranteed minimum levels of work, and paying no less than accredited living wage pay levels for your area.

Support voluntary recognition of unions in council services

Commit to supporting voluntary recognition of independent trade unions. Work to make this council policy and communicate this to council officers – there is no excuse for bad management. Always negotiate with independent unions transparently and in good faith.

Implement ethical procurement policies with a preference for unionised employers

Work with campaigners and charities to implement an ethical procurement policy. Ensure this includes an audit of supply chain justice, and ensure council procurement shows a preference for unionised companies and good industrial relations.

Support renters, renters’ unions, and the expansion of social housing

Support renters’ rights, support local renters’ unions, and support renters to get organised. Explore new ways to fight rogue landlords. Support an expansion of democratically-run, housing at no more than social rent.

Support reducing working hours and better work-life balance

Support your council to trial and move towards reduced working hours and a better work-life balance for its workers, in line with Green Party plans for a shorter working week.

Develop a worker-centred vision for a just transition for our area

Work with unions and others to explore visions for a just transition away from carbon-intensive and other destructive industries, which empower communities in your area to take control of their destiny.

Support global and international justice in our council work

Support global justice in your council work. Push for your council to participate in solidarity actions and campaigns against oppression overseas, including boycotts, divestments and sanctions in solidarity with social movements including in Xinjiang/East Turkestan and Palestine. Do what you can to ensure the council’s supply chains are free of hyper-exploitative practices.

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